Developmental milestones between 2.5 and 3 years

Developmental milestones between 2.5 and 3 years

There is a significant development in your toddler’s cognitive capacity regarding understanding of causality. Communication with you could have been good with you as parents before but at this age your toddler can communicate with other people and peers with getting their point across. Here is a list of what to expect: Social/Emotional Milestones Cognitive…

Toddler developmental milestones between 2 years and 30 months

Toddler developmental milestones between 2 years and 30 months

At this age, your toddler will surprise you with a full sentence like “Doggie run”, used in the right context. They can do simple routines and have a vocabulary of about 50 or so words. Full list of what to expect: Social/Emotional Milestones Cognitive Milestones (learning, thinking, problem-solving) Language/Communication Milestones Movement/Physical Development Milestones Please keep…

Developmental milestones between 18 and 24 months of age

Developmental milestones between 18 and 24 months of age

It is fascinating how much children learn by 24 months of age, how independent they become. But with that independence comes a defiance and testing of limits, so brace yourself. Here is a full list of what can you expect can be achieved between 18 and 24 months of age: Social/Emotional Milestones Cognitive Milestones (learning,…

Development milestones for toddlers 15 to 18 months-old

Development milestones for toddlers 15 to 18 months-old

You better have done your aerobic sessions for this period because you are gonna need them; your toddler is now walking and exploring everything in their path! We know it is not easy and that you are exhausted most of the time but try to limit your toddler’s screen time and make sure the content…

Toddler developmental milestones 12 to 15 months

Toddler developmental milestones 12 to 15 months

Level of interaction you can have with your toddler is rising – she is showing affection for you and other known persons she knows. Your toddler is also developing her walking skills and can surprise you how many words she recognizes. Here is a full list of milestones you can expect: Social/Emotional Milestones Cognitive Milestones…